New University Collaborators

We’ve completed our evaluation of the applications for new collaborators. We received a total of 19 applications from groups and individuals, across a wide variety of academic disciplines, geographical areas, and project types. After careful consideration, we’ve decided to start collaborations with the following groups:

  • The Autonomous Learning Laboratory at UMass Amherst, led by Phil Thomas

  • Meir Friedenberg and Joe Halpern at Cornell

  • InterACT at UC Berkeley, led by Anca Dragan

  • The Stanford Existential Risks Initiative

  • Yale Effective Altruism, to support x-risk discussion groups

  • Baobao Zhang and Sarah Kreps at Cornell

These groups join CHAI, FHI, and CSER as active BERI collaborators.

We consider these six new groups to be “trial” collaborations. They will initially be supported through BERI’s general use funds, as opposed to dedicated donations like with our older collaborations. If a trial collaboration is successful (i.e. they find it useful and we find it cost-effective), we will likely attempt to raise additional funds in support of specific collaborations.

We greatly appreciate the time each applicant took to apply. It's inspiring to see so many people passionate about the long-term survival and flourishing of humankind!


Fundraiser success


New Collaborator Applications