New University Collaborators
We’ve completed our evaluation of the applications for new collaborators. We received a total of 19 applications from groups and individuals, across a wide variety of academic disciplines, geographical areas, and project types. After careful consideration, we’ve decided to start collaborations with the following groups:
Charles Whittaker's group at Imperial College London
The Intelligent and Interactive Autonomous Systems Lab (ILIAD)
Joshua Lewis's group at New York University
Karina Vold's lab at the University of Toronto
Lionel Levine's lab at Cornell University
The Oxford Applied and Theoretical Machine Learning Group (OATML)
Sam Bowman's lab at New York University
These groups join 14 others as active BERI collaborators. This is the largest new cohort of BERI collaborators yet, and we're excited to get to work!
We consider these 8 new groups to be “trial” collaborations. They will initially be supported with BERI's general funds (raised primarily through individual donations), as opposed to collaboration-specific grants like with our main collaborations. If a trial collaboration is successful (i.e. they find it useful and we find it cost-effective), we will likely attempt to raise additional funds in support of specific collaborations. For more information about BERI's trial collaborations, see this blog post.
We greatly appreciate the time each applicant took to apply. It's inspiring to see so many people passionate about the long-term survival and flourishing of humankind!