
BERI’s primary work is with university institutions and researchers focused on mitigating x-risk. We collaborate with our partners in a variety of ways. Sometimes, we can quickly provide funding for an activity that is difficult to fund through university mechanisms. Other times, we provide researchers with a service that they need.

Our main collaborations are with the following groups:

  • CHAI — the Center for Human Compatible AI at UC Berkeley
  • CSER — the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge
  • SERI — the Stanford Existential Risks Initiative
  • ALL — the Autonomous Learning Laboratory at UMass Amherst
  • InterACT — the Interactive Autonomy and Collaborative Technologies Laboratory at UC Berkeley
  • KASL — the Krueger AI Safety Lab at the University of Cambridge
  • CLTC — the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at UC Berkeley
  • MATS - ML Alignment & Theory Scholars Program
  • OCPL — The Oxford China Policy Lab
  • The Safe Robotics Laboratory at Princeton University

In addition, we are currently exploring trial collaborations with the following groups and individuals:

If you work with any of these groups, BERI encourages your requests for support!

How to request support

If you are interested in receiving support from BERI, the best way to explore this possibility is to email We will then start a conversation about your plans, moving forward as we feel is appropriate for the situation.